Saturday, July 26, 2008

Memorable Moments: "Straight in the eyes"

Taking a small pause from our adventures on Wizard of the Coast's Keep on the Shadowfell, i will now share with you another one of our favorite moments in our DnD history. This one happened with the same party from the previous installment of Memorable Moments and in the same adventure. You''ll be surprised to know that i have still another funny story from this adventure to tell you. This is because at the time we were more careless than we are now and also we had a party-killer DM, who is now playing Kralho, the Rogue, in Keep on the Shadowfell.

On with the story. So, after reviving the Cleric who had died casting Create Water at the fire Elemental, we resume investigating the mountainous area for reasons i can no longer remember. After some time we arrive at a clearing and notice a lizardlike beast resting in the sun. This was no ordinary beast however... Performing some Knowledge checks, we immediately recognized it as a Basilisk, a fearsome beast whose gaze can turn flesh to stone, much like the mythological Medusa. The DM informs us that we are aware that staring into the beast's eyes would expose us to it's petrifying gaze and that if we choose to avert our eyes we would have only 50% chance of becoming exposed. Either way, we all knew that a failed saving throw against the Basilisk's gaze would mean instant petrification. Initiative is called and the Rogue goes first. 

Dm: "So, what do you do? Do you avert your eyes from the beast?"

Rogue: "I look at it straight in the eyes."

Dm, me and the Cleric: "What??", screaming in disbelief.

Rogue: "Straight in the eyes!!", he screams full of confidance.

Monk: "Me too!", pounding his fist on the table, while the rest shook their heads...

Well, you can probably figure out the outcome of this battle on your own, but it turned out a little different than you would expect. Both the rogue and the monk decided to meet the beast's gaze eye to eye, while myself as the Bladesinger, and the Cleric decided to avert our eyes from it. The funny thing is, that despite our efforts to not become exposed to the Basilisk's gaze, most of us got petrified really fast. Myself, the Monk and the Cleric were all petrified, having amazingly rolled 3 consecutive savings throws with a natural 1... What are the odds of that? Meanwhile, the Rogue, who had dared to face the creature head on, not only succeeded in saving against the gaze several times, he still managed to flee the scene and head back to town. 

Luckily for us, the travelling higher level Cleric that had raised our own Cleric from the dead was still in town and agreed to return with the Rogue to the battle scene and cure our petrification, if the Basilisk hadn't made a meal of us yet... There were other risks though... The process of turning us back into flesh was dangerous and we had to make a saving throw to avoid death. When they arrive at the clearing the Basilisk was nowhere to be seen and our petrified corpses were intact. Myself and the Cleric managed to make the save to avoid dying, but the Monk, who had the best saves of us all, manages to roll another natural 1 and dies... Fortunately, the travelling Cleric was at hand to revive him...

Well, after this, we never looked at Basilisk's  the same way again...

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