Thursday, July 17, 2008

In the beginning..

Hi there, Internet People. So, while you were peacefully browsing the Web while at home, school, or while your boss was nowhere to be seen, and probably looking to score yourself some hardcore porn, you found yourself here, of all places...

Well, while you wont find porn here, at least i hope so, if you are a geek, a nerd or whatever other people call gamers these days, perhaps your time spent here will not be a total waste. If you know what Dungeons and Dragons is, and have been known to roll a D20 a few times, you probably fall into one or more of these categories. The funny thing is, whilst most gaming groups are like that, you can't really say that about my own. In fact, some of us could actually be considered jocks... For the sake of our own privacy, i won't get into details. 

Well, if you don't know what Dungeons and Dragons is, you may want to check Wikipedia's entry on the game at "", so we can go on. 

So what can you expect from this blog? Well, while the title description pretty much sums it up, what you'll find here will be mostly adventure logs as our gaming group advances through whichever quests or adventures they are working on, reports of memorable moments of our DnD experience (mostly amusing deaths) and our opinions on current or past Dnd products. 

We'll try our best to keep this entertaining, so, read on, and perhaps you'll be able to share some laughs with us. Let the games begin...

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