Friday, July 18, 2008

Adventure Logs - Keep on the Shadowfell 2 - The road to Winterhaven

In the previous installment of Adventure Logs, our party was getting ready to hit the road towards the town of Winterhaven. Since all we could find in the very small village os Scart were a couple of old mules, we would be walking there... Sigh.. Well, at least all we had to do was follow the relatively safe length of the old King's Road. Too bad it would take around 3 days of travel by foot.. 

And so we walked for almost two days, stopping only for much necessary breaks for sleeping, eating and doing our nasty business behind bushes, until we reach a fork on the road, where the King's Road was intersected by a more rugged path. Noticing two wooden signs in the interecession we decided to investigate and consider our options. One sign, pointed towards the main road, read Winterhaven, while the other sign, pointing to the rugged path, fell off when examined and whatever was written there in other times, was no longer recognizable. Further examination of the roads left us with the distinct impression that there hadn't been any travelling going towards the rugged path for a very long time. 

Meanwhile, while we were blissfully considering our options, we suddenly heard a noise behind us, somewhere within some bushes. Counting our numbers and noticing nobody had gone on a bathroom break, we assumed we were going to be attacked and sent Chuck, the Fighter, to check it out.

Surprise, surprise... Who was hiding in the bushes and had been following us the whole way but our mentors 12 year old son, Daniel. When we asked him why he was doing this, he said that he really wanted to find his father and begged us to let him come with us. He then reveals that he had seen the map that his father had found and that armed with that knowledge he could be of great use to our search. Annoyed though we were at the thought of babysitting a 12 year old, smart or not, none of us wanted to return back to Scart and deliver him to his mother, now that we were already more than half way towards Winterhaven. At least now we would have someone to take care of the mules, while we were otherwise engaged. Sora, the Warlord, said "she" would look after the boy. 

Forsaking the rugged path, we continued onwards toward Winterhaven. A very long walk later, we were nearing the town, already longing for a few pints of beer, comely lasses, and a better bed than our sleeping bags.. It was already darkening when we started to see our destination in the distance. Suddenly, we are beset on all sides by a bunch of Kobolds. No real surprises in being ambushed, since if we couldn't notice a small boy following us for almost 2 days, certainly we wouldn't notice sneaking Kobolds hidden amidst the trees, in the dark...

Nonetheless, despite being caught off guard, these small relatives of the mighty Dragons were no match for us, and we plowed through them easily. Not too bad for our first battle. The only difficulty was dealing with the new Kobold Dragonshields, sturdy opponents who can take a beating and keep on fighting. After collecting the crappy loot they were carrying, we decided to continue on and make it into town as soon as possible. More on that, on the next installment of Adventure Logs. 

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