Sunday, August 3, 2008

Memorable Moments: "Whazzup!"

Time for another one of our groups most memorable and at the same time embarassing moments. This one happened with the same party from the previous installments and will be the last story about those pitiful adventurers.. Really!

So, after exploring the mountains around town and getting tossed around by Fire Elementals and Basilisks, for some reason we end up attacking the local church. Apparently they were up to something not so good... Anyway, the denizens of the temple put up a hell of a fight and the party had to expend most of their resources to win. Both my Bladesinger and the Cleric had almost no spells but that didn't prevent the Monk and Rogue from wanting to go on. We had discovered a secret entrance in the temple, which we knew probably led to some serious opposition... Both me and the Cleric thought that we should rest and recover our spells first, but somehow we got dragged in continuing on to the church's underground, despite my constant reminding them that "I have no spells!". 

Anyway, we go down the stairs and have several choices of paths to take. We could go left, right or through a closed door right in front of us. We took some time deciding, with seemed to upset the Monk somehow, who seemed to be in a rush for combat. So, while we were pondering what to do, he decides to kick the door down and screams "Whazzup!" at the top of his lungs, much to our dismay... Nothing happened though, but now we had no choice but investigate the room, which at first glance appeared to be empty. When we had all entered the room, suddenly a Firewall appeared behind us, blocking our exit through the door, and a flying Imp appeared above us. Initiative is rolled and we start the battle against what we thought was a single imp.. We couldn't be more mistaken...

Being a mostly melee party, the darned imp would give us some trouble if he decided to keep on the fly, which he did, forcing us to use our ranged weapons with which we were not very adept.. Well, we quickly found out that we weren't against a single Imp, but several almost always invisible, flying, Fireball hurling Imps with lots of Wizard levels... We rapidly found ourselves nearly dead to a point where retreating through a Firewall would most certainly kill us.. The Cleric and the Rogue were the first to fall, the Rogue failing to save against the Fireballs and thus evading them completely. To add insult to injury, when there were only me and the Monk still alive, a couple of large demons teleported into the room to finish us off. Ironically, thanks to his high saves and Evasion ability, the Monk responsible for alerting the whole complex was the last one to die, killed by one of the larger demons. 

In retrospect, the DM told us that this battle was punishment for our recklessness throughout the whole adventure, and that after the Monk's actions it was time for us to die. To tell you the truth, i think we deserved it...

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